Distribution has expanded in Illinois and elsewhere beyond what we can reasonably stay on top of for this page.

In Illinois, you can find us at most decent bottle shops in Chicago and the suburbs as well as select locations in Bloomington, Champaign, Springfield, as far south as Effingham & Quincy and as far west as Moline.

Please contact us if you need help tracking down our beer for on or off-premise consumption. If you don’t see us in your favorite bar or bottle shop, don’t be afraid to ask the business to pick us up!

We also distribute in Utah, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, Pennsylvania & now California, too. And, if you STILL can’t find us, you can always get us through the lovely folks at Tavour or order us from Beer on the Wall & Beer Temple and they’ll ship to your door.

Thanks so much for all of the wonderful enthusiasm and support you’re giving us, it means the world to us!

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